Ways to cut expenses when going on a financial diet

originally published on my WP blog - I'm gonna be slowly migrating to keep everything in just one blog

I can imagine that this is going to be a running list that's gonna be getting updated now and then. But the point being, as I've mentioned in one of my previous blog posts, I'm going on a financial diet and looking closer at my expenses. Mostly, it's because I need to have some savings for health emergencies and just because. Then there are some expensive "needs" and "wants" that will require saving up. So in order to get where I'm going, I need to start implementing some changes to my life.

Here are some of the ideas about how to cut unnecessary expenses.

  1. Beauty products. This means makeup, expensive skin and hair products, that fifteenth bottle of red nail polish that you won't use all up anyway. You get where I'm going with this. With the lockdown, it's not like you need to wear a full face of makeup every day anyway, so that's where it's easy to cut extra expenses. Only buy the necessary stuff like shampoo or moisturiser, and an occasional mascara (I tend to lose those so putting it on the list of "allowed" items). And nothing too expensive. Anything that's over $20 - hell no!
  2. Beauty services. A few months before the lockdown I started going to the hair and nail salon for the first time in my whole life because that's not a thing that you do on the regular if you're broke. It felt nice while it lasted. I wanted to treat myself once a month and do my eyebrows and nails. But after I started working from home, I forgot about it. Yes, I cut my own hair. The hairstyle that I have right now is really simple, so it's not exactly rocket science to get the cut right. Also, I have this irrational fear that the hairdressers it going to give me layers and feathered ends and I'm going to look like a Karen. I want to go with a simpler 20s look and so far it's been working great with just a home cut and my mums help to get the back of the hair look even. I may reconsider having my nails done because I really liked my nail lady but that's not gonna happen any time soon.
  3. Supplements. Putting this here because I've been considering buying some vitamins but changed my mind. And I can't order the ones that I like anyway so why bother? And anyway, if you ask any doctor, they'll tell you that if you are not malnourished and eat a balanced diet, there's no need for extra vitamins or supplements whatsoever. It may be different for athletes, but I'm not one so who am I to judge? If you feel like you might need supplements, it's better to consult a doctor (NOT a naturopath, nutritionist or any of the alternative medicine mumbo jumbo).
  4. Online subscription and streaming services. Sis and I had Netflix for a few months. Not worth it. Living in Ukraine, we couldn't watch any of the good stuff. And I watch way too much Youtube so where am I even supposed to find time for movies and TV shows? It's more productive to read a book, talk to a friend or even just take a nap.
  5. Eating out and take out. Never do it anyway. And while corona is still around, I can't imagine it being very safe.
  6. Sweets, snacks and soda. I'm conflicted about this one because I do love my Oreos. But it's healthier to eat an apple with some peanut butter and just as delicious. If you really need something crunchy to munch on, just cut up some bread and dry it in a pan with some herbs or just salt and butter is good enough. I once made a whole batch of dried rohalyk and coated it with powdered sugar. Heavenly. And there's always popcorn. Make your own to avoid added flavouring and too much salt.
  7. Clothes, shoes, accessories. After years of thrifting and stuffing my wardrobe with clothes that neither fit properly nor match my style, I've now closed my gestalt and can be more level-headed when shopping for myself. All the necessities, I think I have enough of. When I just started my day job, I splurged a little on shoes and clothes. And looking back at the rags I was wearing, I really needed it at the time. But for now, I'm golden. And now I see that it's better to get one or two things that are maybe a little more pricey but good quality that gonna last me for years to come. As for shoes, I've now decided to never get anything cheaper than 2k hryvnias (that's $72 with the current exchange rates). Cheap shoes only last for one season and hurt my feet. With clothes, I'm lucky that I get to have stuff that my sister no longer wants to wear so this winter I'll be sporting a lot of oversize sweaters.
  8. Books? It's a hard one. I can never resist buying a book. I still end up reading some random thing on my phone, but physical books are a whole nother aesthetic. The online shops I usually get my books from right now have crazy sales so it's really hard to resist. But the gist is - read the books you've already got! I need to write this on my whiteboard as a daily reminder. Working on it. And if you're in a first-world country, it's easy to get just about any book you want from the library. I hope to live to see the day when I can use Libby.
  9. Taxi, uber, etc. This one is my personal pet peeve. I _hate_ taxis and the Ukrainian version of Uber. Every time you get a different car, it smells weird, the driver sometimes randomly doesn't shot up and won't pick up the phone. I'm used to our family car. Any other means of transportations sets my anxiety off the charts. I don't understand people who see personal cars as a luxury. It's a necessity. In the last two weeks, my cat wasn't feeling good so we had to go all over the city to get tests, x-rays, saw half a dozen doctors. I can't imagine doing it without a car or even asking someone for a lift. Not like we've got someone to ask (looking at you, cousins). So personally, I think that it's worth investing in a car rather than spending money taxis and whatnot and NOT being comfortable.
  10. to be continued...

So yeah. You could say that this list is of ways to budget but not really. The flesh is weak and I'm a material girl. At the end of the day, my personal philosophy is always to earn more. That one is a topic for another blog post.


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