On the Road. Jack Kerouac | Book Review

On the Road by Jack Kerouac
(on Goodreads)
My rating ★★☆☆☆

This book is probably on every must-read and top-100 list I've ever come across. So I'm happy to finally have it behind it. At last, I know what's all the fuss about and have my own opinion about it.

On the Road is an autobiographical novel about Jack Kerouac's years traveling the North American continent with his friends. They have this fascination with going south and eventually reach their final destination somewhere in Mexico. This book is an ode to booze and jazz.

Good thing that we have audiobooks, because I don't think that I would have managed to finish this book weren't I listening to the audio version of it. It's not that it was bad, but I didn't really enjoy it. Most of the time I found myself bored and distracted. I guess I'm not a fan of the lifestyle described in this novel. I don't find drinking your life away all that exciting. While I was listening to the audiobook, I'd often think that a story of that sort can be interesting either to kids who are not yet allowed to run wild like that or to adults who have similar interests or lifestyle. I'm' not judging. All I'm saying that for me it was neither relatable nor interesting.


  1. I haven't read this one and don't really plan to. Your review makes me feel justified haha. I've heard that he and similar writers are kind of on the insufferable side, favoured by white dudes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. I'm pretty sure most of my girl friends from university would love it as well. ^_^""

  2. I read this as a teenager because my older brother recommended it. Mostly his recommendations turned out to be books I liked, but not this one. I was bored, couldn't relate to any of the characters, and was thankful when I finished. Those were the days when I thought I had to finish every book I started!


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