New Year's Resolutions 2018

previously published on my Halcja's Place blog

I don't remember if I've ever blogged about my New Year's Resolutions so let's consider this my first time doing so. First of all, I'll talk about my writing resolutions because that's what this blog is all about. So here are my resolutions for the year 2018!

Submit my poetry and short fiction to literary magazines. I've only done this once and already got my first rejection. I have to admit, it feels quite refreshing. And I can finally consider myself a real writer. I'm not only talking about writing. I'm actually writing and trying to get my works published.

Post my poetry and fiction on my blog. I've already started doing that with my poetry. For now, I've been posting my first clumsy poems. I hope to get better with time. But of course, in order to do so, I have to write and practice my craft. If I know that I have to put something out there on my blog, that will motivate me to write and work on my writing more.

Work on my novels. Preferably on one novel at a time. I scatter my attention too much. Let's work on bettering that in the new year.

Self-publish a book. This will be either a collection of poetry and flash fiction or a novelette. I want to start small and work my way up. But most importantly, I want to start getting published. I even wrote a blog post about it here.

As for my non-writing resolutions, I will...

Draw 1000 illustrations for my Shutterstock portfolio.

Work on my own drawing style and post my art on my Instagram.

Read 52 books.

Complete reading challenges on my book blog.

Take better care of myself.

Stop procrastinating or at least find productive ways to procrastinate.

Only work on projects that give me feedback or profit.

Stop talking to toxic people.

So this is what I'll be up to next year. I want to focus on my writing goals and make my life more rounded up in general.

What are your New Year's Resolutions?


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