Social Media Hiatus

previously published on my Halcja's Place blog

Yesterday I deleted all of social media apps from my phone. It was a kind of a spur of the moment decision. I don't think I've got the mental energy to deal with social media right now, so taking a break looks like the right thing to do. It's not like I've been actively tweeting or posting anyway, so I don't think that anyone will even notice. Maybe staying away from social media will finally let me dedicate more time to my blog. Instead of sending ten tweets, I can write one blog post on the same topic. That will be a lot more beneficial to me from whatever angle I look at it.

Social media is fun but it has a tendency to distract you. Using it, I feel like I'm scattering my thoughts. It would make sense to later gather those thoughts into a blog post, but I only think about it and never act on my intentions.

And look at this! I'm already writing a blog post about my social media hiatus. My plan is working! I'm being productive. I'm getting things done.
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