Back on Instagram

previously published on my Halcja's Place blog

I've posted a drawing on Instagram today even though I've decided to stay away from social media for a while. But Instagram feels kind of different from Twitter or Facebook. Maybe it's because I mostly post my art there and I'm trying to turn it into some sort of portfolio.

I've been thinking about my art style lately. In particular about me not having one. I'm very inconsistent with my style, themes and art media that I'm using. I see other artists do this or that and I want to try it too. And then I post these experiments online. As a result, I don't work on developing my own style. And frankly, I don't know what I want it to be.

Some days I want to draw realistically, other days I'm doodling and drawing cartoons. Maybe if I simply produced all these drawings in a larger amount I'd be able to figure out what I like and don't like.

How do I build this habit of drawing more? Is it even possible at this point? Or am I too deep down the rabbit hole of my procrastination?

Sometimes I think that I need some sort of a study guide to keep me organized. I even have an art textbook now so I guess that's where I should start. But I should keep my learning process to myself and decide on a theme for my Instagram for now. After I do a hundred drawings or so and make my Instagram look more consistent, I can try adding something else.


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