Focusing on the Negative Positive

previously published on my Halcja's Place blog

I'm a very negative person at times. It's probably due to the fact that growing up I didn't have that many things to be happy about. So I fell into this circuit of focusing on all the bad things that were happening, giving them my attention, allowing them to grow in my eyes and overshadow everything else. But it's like blowing soap bubbles. There's a limit of air you can blow into one before it bursts. Just as there's a point at which moaning and whining about your problems becomes annoying and kind of ridiculous.

I still often fall back into my bad habit until someone comes to comfort me and remind me of all the good things that I've now acquired. And that someone is usually my friend and fellow writer Jenny. Make sure to go check out her blog here.

It's been hard. I've had my share of life drama. There's still plenty left for me to ruminate on and feel sorry for myself.


Those people who have wronged me don't feel sorry about it. They don't even think about it. They don't have the brain capacity or attention span for it. And I know that it's mean to say that but I'm just being realistic here.

So I'm writing this post here as a reminder to myself to be above all that.

I can still have the memories to later use for my short stories. But that's that.

It won't be easy to break out of this bad habit but I've already made my first step by admitting my problem.

I'll reserve my negative tweets or FB rants for when something really bad happens. For a moment I thought to add shaming Ukrainian politicians to the bundle as well. But I think it'll be more use laughing at them and promoting good ideas instead.

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