Internet Drama and Support

previously published on my Halcja's Place blog

I was going to write a blog post about internet drama because it just so happened that I had to block two people on Facebook this week. But when I opened a new draft a funny thought ran across my mind.

I don't need this anymore. I don't feel like venting and complaining. No more need to take screenshots of comment wars and post them on my FB page.

And the reason for this change in heart is that this time I know that it won't go unnoticed and ignored. I know that if I write on my FB page that I'm having a bad day or that something has happened there'll be people who'll support and cheer me up.

When I was blogging and using social media in my native language I'd oftentimes feel that I could write just about any horrid thing you can think of, even a blog post consisting solely of the f-word, and still won't get any reaction from my readers, who were mostly people that I actually knew in real life, so it wasn't like I was expecting this huge wave of feedback from complete strangers. And that was frustrating to the point when I'd quit blogging for months at a time.

I would sometimes feel like I was losing my mind. I was writing about things that genuinely concerned me, so being ignored most of the time wasn't that great for my mental state.

The funniest thing was that in private conversations people would admit that they actually enjoyed reading all of my comment drama. And they liked reading my blog. But I only found out about it after posting on my FB that I'd given up and deleted it.

But I'm glad that I gave up. I now have other projects that are already giving me more feedback and satisfaction that I'd ever dreamed of. And I know that my hard work won't be all in vain.

A little support and kindness go a long way.

At first, I thought that I won't post this to my blog because it seemed shorter than what I'd expected it to be. I wrote the draft in the blogger app that I don't usually use. So I thought I'd just tweet about it because I still want to get these thoughts out of my head. But after thinking about it for a little while I've decided to post it as a final tribute to my former internet drama obsessed self.


  1. Of course you can do it! 😊😊😊
    I like the blog and I like how you look at things now. That's going to get you where to want to be eventually. 🐱🖤

    1. Thank you, Jenny! :) I'm really grateful for your support. <3
      It feels great having a more positive outlook on life for once. xD

  2. I have had to block someone on Facebook this week as well because they were causing drama, I much prefer just not to see that stuff on my timeline! I'm glad that you feel like you've made the right decision for you, I'm sure your blog will go from strength to strength!

    Abbey 🍉

    1. Thank you! <3 And I'm sorry that someone was causing you drama. Some people just can't be changed and they don't deserve our attention.


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