How to read more. A book a day project
I came up with this idea as I was brainstorming for this blog. Now, let me be frank - I'm not the fastest reader out there. Nor the most dedicated reader. I'm prone to hanging onto the same book for months, unable to finish it, but too stubborn to DNF it. More often than not, I've no idea what I want to read. It takes me a while to get into a book, and I've only ever finished a book in a day on one or maybe two occasions. Yet, here we are! Why read more books faster? I'd like to change my reading habits and become a more consistent and quality reader. Reading a book a day can't possibly be realistic! Right? Then there's the question of whether consuming so much information in a relatively short time benefits a reader. You won't get the point of the whole story. Will you even enjoy it? And you definitely won't remember a thing of what you've read. Well, I tend to forget what I've read about no matter how fast or slow I am as a reader. I ha...